Information for Reviewers:

IJABBR reviewers’ opinions of manuscripts are invaluable in helping Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board in making their decisions. Besides helping in assessment of the value and quality of a manuscript for the scientific literature and IJABBR in particular, reviewers help authors improve their manuscripts by suggesting areas for the authors to address.

Peer-reviewing will help you keep up with the field and get new understandings that will improve the quality and value of your own studies. You will provide a valuable service to the readers by improving the quality of published papers anywhere they get published. IJABBR expect its reviewers to consider themselves as mentors to the author(s) and their comments should be specific and constructive and suggestions should be intended to enhance the manuscript. In appreciation of your invaluable service to IJABBR, your name will be included in a list we publish on the webpage of reviewers who have reviewed for IJABBR. Also, reviewers who consistently exhibit excellent reviews and respond promptly to the editorial requests are considered for invitation to the Editorial Board.

To facilitate the processes of evaluation, the reviewers are recommended to use the online reviewing services provided. Please enter your code number and password to open your private page.